What is it with Spain, Christmas and poo?

What is it with Spain, Christmas and poo?

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go!

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go!

In Catalonia, Spain, a 200-year-old Christmas tradition involves hiding a 'caganer' - a man, umm... having a poo - in the Nativity scene.

It's usually hidden at the back, and Catalonian children play a game to 'find the caganer'. Nobody knows exactly how the tradition started.

Bonus Bubblegum

Catalonia has not one, but two poo-related Christmas traditions. Tió de Nadal (Christmas Log) or Caga Tió (Shitting Log) is a hollow log about a foot long and stands on four stick legs. It has a painted smiling face with a red sock hat and ‘poops’ out cheese, nougat, fruits and nuts.

I shit you knot

I shit you knot

Catalonians start ‘feeding’ their Tiós each night from 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. In the lead up to Christmas, children must take good care of the Tió, which includes keeping it warm with a blanket, in order to ensure a bountiful feast.

On Christmas Day, parents take theTió to the fireplace and order it to defecate by beating it with sticks while singing the song:

Shit log
Shit nougats
Hazelnuts and mató cheese
If you don't shit well
I'll hit you with a stick
Shit log!

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Image credits: Wikipedia (licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0)

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